
Simplifying Cloud and Telecoms in Europe

The Sewan ecosystem offers the best range of complementary solutions on the market : Voice & Collaboration, Internet & Networks, Security & Cloud. We simplify cloud and telecoms technologies for European businesses, making their daily operations easier. The Sewan difference? Our expert teams provide continuous, personalized and guaranteed support.

Simplifying Cloud and Telecoms in Europe

Sewan 360

The strength of the indirect model

Each reseller partner distributes our Cloud and Telecoms solutions under their own brand. Together, we co-create a dynamic ecosystem. Technical, commercial, marketing, or strategic support: Sewan offers much more than just Cloud and Telecoms solutions. We provide a comprehensive 360° experience.

Sewan 360
Portrait d'Alexis de Goriainoff, CEO de Sewan

For European startups, covering the entire European market should be a given. At Sewan, we aim to achieve that. Our mission to simplify Cloud and Telecoms goes beyond geographical boundaries.

Alexis de GoriainoffSewan CEO